Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

A clear and transparent sustainability strategy helps TIGER to track and achieve its goals for a future worth living. All employees play a key role in its implementation.

Training young people is particularly important to TIGER, because today's apprentices are our foundation for tomorrow. We are constantly expanding our training program, adapting it to current standards and promoting apprenticeships with a school-leaving certificate. By 2030, TIGER in Wels aims to train 30 apprentices in various professions every year. Sustainability is also a fixed part of the curriculum and at least one week per year will be dedicated to it.

Employees who have not completed an apprenticeship when they join the company are given the opportunity to develop professionally and personally at TIGER. We support them in starting an apprenticeship and completing it successfully. All of our shift supervisors and their deputies have completed chemical training, thus ensuring TIGER's high quality standards.

In order to guarantee our team fair and transparent compensation, TIGER follows the criteria described in the collective agreement of the chemical industry. All TIGERs can also benefit from profit participation and various grants. In the coming years, we will establish a job grading system that will help our HR department to compare and correctly classify positions internally and externally.

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