TIGER Architectural Handbook as a Valuable Resource
Manufacturers that provide products and services to the architectural design community work hard to have their voices heard over competing voices hoping to have their products selected within a project specification. And believe me when I tell you that there are a lot of voices struggling for recognition. Everyone from foundation contractors to curtains and carpets is working hard to have their products reviewed with the hope of being selected for the project. So, how is it a designer can learn about products that are of interest to them?

For this very reason, manufacturers offer product literature, in the form of a product binder that allows a designer to review both the manufacturer and product information and samples within the same document. A design firm typically has a product library so that the design team can learn about the product under review by researching the binder as the need arises. Typically, a manufacturer’s product binder begins with introductory information about the manufacturer's product, technical information is available for the different product variations and performance levels of these products, contact and manufacturing information is available, and a sample product is available if possible.
TIGER Drylac® has a product binder as well which can be viewed from the Architecture Binder page on our website. By following that link, you will find information about the manufacturing and application of powder coatings. Helpful information to assist the designer in specifying powder coatings for their project is available by simply following the interactive links within the document to the specific information of interest.
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