TIGER Aerospace & Defense Approved Applicator Program

Do you want to join TIGER Drylac’s exclusive family of Aerospace & Defense Approved Applicators? To be deemed a TIGER Aerospace & Defense Approved Applicator, a surface finishing applicator must illustrate the ability to withstand the rigorous technical and administrative demands associated with the application of Chemical Agent Resistant Coatings. Appropriate pretreatment methods, application equipment, and quality control procedures are essential when producing consistent results that align to MIL-PRF 32348 standards.
- Type I - For use as a primer with chemical agent resistant finish coatings.
- Type II - For use as a primer with no finish coating. For interior use only.
- Type III - For use as camouflage, chemical agent resistant finish coating.
- Type IV - For use as an ammunition container, chemical agent resistant finish coating.
- Class I - No limitation on the maximum temperature reached by the substrate during coating cure.
This specification covers chemical agent resistant powder coatings for use as a finish coat and powder coatings meant for use as primers with chemical agent resistant camouflage finish coats on all military tactical equipment, which includes ground, aviation, and related support assets.
To become a TIGER Approved Applicator: Contact our aerospace & defense team at Defense_NA(at)tiger-coatings.com!
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