TIGER's way to Liberating Organism
Just imagine how business could change ...
... if we no longer see it as a machine or family structure, but as a organism powerful parts actively communicating with each other. A living being with a healthy organism and members, who can discover themselves, unfold their personal talents and focus together on a common goal. In which teams manage themselves and develop their own rules. And not only the boss but each individual takes full responsibility.
Natural organisms are the role models for the new organizational construct TIGER wants to develop. Hierarchy still exists, but it is no longer based on commands. This organization is understood as a community and partnership on an equal footing, in which decision-making and participation opportunities are evenly distributed
Liberating Organism at TIGER: The Inspiration
TIGER Coatings CEO Clemens Steiner explains the term "Liberating Organism" (LO). In this interview, he tells who inspired him to this philosophy, how LO is implemented at TIGER, and whether he has reservations about giving up responsibility.
Liberating Organism at TIGER: The owner's view
Working to create value(s): TIGER Coatings owner Elisabeth Berghofer tells how Liberating Organism works at TIGER and why the family business is prepared to transfer more responsibility to its employees.
Liberating Organism at TIGER: Human Resources
Günter Wagner, Global Functional Leader HR, reveals in this interview what it means to accompany the cultural change to Liberating Organism at TIGER Coatings.
Liberating Organism at TIGER: Sales
Andreas Gassl, Sales Director and CEO at TIGER NAFTA, explains how Liberating Organism (LO) is to be implemented at TIGER worldwide and in sales.
Liberating Organism at TIGER: Production
Liberating Organism in production: COO Thomas Loibl reports how LO is implemented in the production of TIGER Coatings.